Table of Contents
The lifo2
module implements a dual Last In First
Out stack data structure. The two stack structures share a single
block RAM, or may optionally be constructed from shift registers.
This module forms the heart of a stack based micro-controller. One
of the stacks is used as a data stack while the other is used as a
subroutine call stack. By implementing these in a single BRAM we
can save a lot of space.
The module interface consists of a clock and reset signal, and a control interface for each stack.
§1.1.1: §7.1 |
module lifo2 §1.3.1. Parameters ( input clk, input reset, § Stack port A, § Stack port B ); |
The two ports use the suffix a
to distinguish interface signals.
A push
input indicates that data from the
input should be pushed onto the stack.
A pop
input indicates that data should be
popped from the stack. Popped data should be read from the
output during the same cycle that
is valid.
It is completely normal to push and pop data on the same clock
Status signals empty
indicate if the stack is empty or full.
The count
output provides the number of valid
entries currently on the stack.
§ §1.1.1 |
input push_a, input pop_a, output reg empty_a, output reg full_a, output reg `CNT_T count_a, output `DATA_T tos_a, input `DATA_T push_data_a |
§ §1.1.1 |
input push_b, input pop_b, output reg empty_b, output reg full_b, output reg `CNT_T count_b, output `DATA_T tos_b, input `DATA_T push_data_b |
A depth
parameter specifies the depth
for each of the stacks.
For the BRAM implementation, the size of the RAM is just the
sum of the two depth
For the shift register implementation each stack uses its
parameter independently.
The width
parameter specifies the data
width. This is the same for both stacks.
The implementation
parameter may be set
to "BRAM"
or "SRL"
select between BRAM and shift register implementations. Note
that the quotes are required.
The full_checking
specifies whether the
logic that generates the full
outputs should
be generated.
In the case of the shift register implementation the concept
of full is easy to implement and sensible. With this
implementation, there really are two independent stacks.
However, with the BRAM implementation the concept of full is a
little harder to pin down. Is the stack full when the number
of elements is equal to its depth
parameter? This seems overly restrictive since there may still
be plenty of room for it to grow. But if it does grow then it
does so at the expense of the other stack.
There is a further difficulty if both stacks are almost
full. If you push to both stacks then you will overflow one of
the stacks. Which one? The one that is already over its posted
limit? The logic to implement this seems needlessly complex.
So the compromise here is to implement the strict full
checking for the BRAM implementation when the
parameter is true and to
not generate any full checking logic at all if it is false.
§1.3.1: §1.1.1 |
#( parameter depth_a = 512, parameter depth_b = 512, parameter width = 32, parameter implementation = "SRL", parameter full_checking = 0, parameter depth = depth_a+depth_b ) |
Here are some definitions that we can make use of
later. DATA_T
is used for data
values. PTR_T
is used for pointers like the
top of stack pointer. The CNT_T
is suitable for holding a count. Note that this value needs to
hold a value of 0 as well as a value of
so it may be larger than the
§1.4.1: §7.1 |
`define DATA_T [width-1:0] `define PTR_T [log2(depth)-1:0] `define CNT_T [log2(depth+1)-1:0] |
The log2
function computes the log base 2
of its input value. This function is used to computer widths of
pointer and count values.
§2.1: §7.1 |
function integer log2; input [31:0] value; begin value = value-1; for (log2=0; value>0; log2=log2+1) value = value>>1; end endfunction |
The writing
signals indicate that we are
writing to the corresponding stack. This occurs when the push
signal is asserted and there is space on the stack or if the
push signal is asserted and a pop is asserted as well. In this
case we can perform the operation even though the stack is
The reading
signal indicates that
we are reading from the corresponding stack. It is just the
pop signal qualified with not empty.
§3.1.1: §7.1 |
wire writing_a = push_a && (!full_a || pop_a); wire writing_b = push_b && (!full_b || pop_b); wire reading_a = pop_a && !empty_a; wire reading_b = pop_b && ! empty_b; |
We first generate the next_count_a
value. Incrementing if we are writing but not reading,
decrementing if we are reading and not writing and leaving the
count the same if we are both reading and writing or neither
reading or writing.
We use a separate combinational always block to generate a
next value signal next_count_a
. This signal
is used by later code to determine empty and full conditions.
§3.2.1: §7.1 |
reg `CNT_T next_count_a; always @(*) if (writing_a && !reading_a) next_count_a = count_a + 1; else if (reading_a && !writing_a) next_count_a = count_a - 1; else next_count_a = count_a; always @(posedge clk) if (reset) count_a <= 0; else count_a <= next_count_a; |
Here we generate the count values for stack B.
§3.3.1: §7.1 |
reg `CNT_T next_count_b; always @(*) if (writing_b && !reading_b) next_count_b = count_b + 1; else if (reading_b && !writing_b) next_count_b = count_b - 1; else next_count_b = count_b; always @(posedge clk) if (reset) count_a <= 0; else count_b <= next_count_b; |
Here we generate the logic for determining if either stack is empty. The stack is empty if on the next clock its count will be zero.
§3.4.1: §7.1 |
always @(posedge clk) if (reset) empty_a <= 1; else empty_a <= next_count_a == 0; always @(posedge clk) if (reset) empty_b <= 1; else empty_b <= next_count_b == 0; |
Full is pretty simple as well. We go full when the next count
value will be equal to the depth
parameter of the stack. Writes will not occur when the stack
is full so there can never be a case when the next count value
is greater than the depth.
§3.5.1: §3.6.1 |
always @(posedge clk) if (reset) full_a <= 0; else full_a <= next_count_a == depth_a; always @(posedge clk) if (reset) full_b <= 0; else full_b <= next_count_b == depth_b; |
As discussed in Section 1.3, “Parameters”, based on
the value of the full_checking
parameter we either create the checking logic or just stub the
full signals out to always false.
§3.6.1: §7.1 |
generate if (full_checking) begin §3.5.1. Generate full end else begin initial full_a = 0; initial full_b = 0; end endgenerate |
This section describes the BRAM implementation of the dual LIFO.
§4.1.1: §4.6.1 |
reg `DATA_T mem [depth-1:0]; |
Figure 1. The pointer to the top of the A stack grows down while the pointer to the top of the B stack grows up
Here we maintain the address pointers into the RAM. The pointer for stack A starts at address zero and works up, while the pointer for stack B starts at the last address and works down.
§4.2.1: §4.6.1 |
wire `PTR_T ptr_a = writing_a ? count_a `PTR_T : (count_a `PTR_T)-1; wire `PTR_T ptr_b = (depth-1)-(writing_b ? count_b `PTR_T : (count_b `PTR_T)-1); |
One limitation of the BRAM implementation is that we only have two ports. One port must be used for each stack since both stacks can operate simultaneously. The solution to this problem is to recognize that if we are both pushing and popping the stack then we are really only operating on the top element. This element can be stored in a register and no actual memory operation needs to occur.
The tos_shadow
registers hold the latest
value pushed onto the stack.
§ §4.6.1 |
reg `DATA_T tos_shadow_a; always @(posedge clk) if (reset) tos_shadow_a <= 0; else if (writing_a) tos_shadow_a <= push_data_a; reg `DATA_T tos_shadow_b; always @(posedge clk) if (reset) tos_shadow_b <= 0; else if (writing_b) tos_shadow_b <= push_data_b; |
Here we determine if we should use the memory read value or the top-of-stack shadow register to provide the top-of-stack value. If we are popping the stack then the new top-of-stack value should come from the memory read. Otherwise we should just use the value in the top-of-stack shadow register.
§ §4.6.1 |
reg use_mem_rd_a; always @(posedge clk) if (reset) use_mem_rd_a <= 0; else if (writing_a) use_mem_rd_a <= 0; else if (reading_a) use_mem_rd_a <= 1; reg use_mem_rd_b; always @(posedge clk) if (reset) use_mem_rd_b <= 0; else if (writing_b) use_mem_rd_b <= 0; else if (reading_b) use_mem_rd_b <= 1; assign tos_a = use_mem_rd_a ? mem_rd_a : tos_shadow_a; assign tos_b = use_mem_rd_b ? mem_rd_b : tos_shadow_b; |
Here we read from the stack. The values read will be the top-of-stack outputs if we are reading from the stack but not writing to it.
§4.4.1: §4.6.1 |
reg `DATA_T mem_rd_a; always @(posedge clk) if (reading_a) mem_rd_a <= mem[ptr_a]; reg `DATA_T mem_rd_b; always @(posedge clk) if (reading_b) mem_rd_b <= mem[ptr_b]; |
Conversely if we are writing to the stack but not reading then we perform a memory write.
§4.5.1: §4.6.1 |
always @(posedge clk) if (writing_a && !reading_a) mem[ptr_a] <= tos_a; always @(posedge clk) if (writing_b && !reading_b) mem[ptr_b] <= tos_b; |
Here we collect all the components of the BRAM implementation.
There may be situations where two stacks are needed but we don't want to use a block RAM, or if both stacks don't need to be very large and we want to save the overhead of the RAM implementation. This alternate shift register implementation may be used instead.
The basic idea of the shift register implementation is to use a shift register for each bit of the data word. We then concatenate the head of the shift registers together to form the top of the stack.
Here we shift the register left, shifting in a zero value.
§ §5.1.1 |
srl <= {srl[depth-2:0],1'b0} |
Here we shift the push data onto the shift register. This will only happen when the shift register is not full.
§ §5.1.1 |
srl <= {push_data_a[i],srl[depth_a-1:1]} |
Here we just replace the leftmost value in the shift register with the new pushed value.
§ §5.1.1 |
srl <= {push_data_a[i],srl[depth_a-2:0]} |
We use a generate for loop to implement each shift register and a case statement to update it based on the push and pop conditions.
§5.1.1: §5.1 |
for (i=0; i<width; i=i+1) begin : srl_a reg [depth_a-1:0] srl; always @(posedge clk) case ({writing_a,reading_a}) 2'b01: § Pop data off the shift register; 2'b10: § Push data onto the shift register; 2'b11: § Swap data at the top of the shift register; endcase assign tos_a[i] = srl[depth_a-1]; end |
The implementation for stack B is the same as for stack A but with the appropriate name changes.
§5.2.1: §5.1 |
for (i=0; i<width; i=i+1) begin : srl_b reg [depth_b-1:0] srl; always @(posedge clk) case ({writing_b,reading_b}) 2'b01: srl <= {srl[depth_b-2:0],1'b0}; 2'b10: srl <= {push_data_b[i],srl[depth_b-1:1]}; 2'b11: srl <= {push_data_b[i],srl[depth_b-2:0]}; endcase assign tos_b[i] = srl[depth_b-1]; end |
For the shift register implementation we just declare the generate loop variable and then instantiate the two stacks.
§6.1: §7.1 |
initial begin $display("***ERROR: %m: Undefined implementation \"%0s\".",implementation); $finish; end |
This is where we tie everything together.
§7.1 |
§1.1. Header §2.1. Copyright `timescale 1ns/1ns §1.4.1. Definitions §1.1.1. Module declaration §2.1. Functions §3.1.1. Determine read and write signals §3.2.1. Determine count value for stack A §3.3.1. Determine count value for stack B §3.4.1. Generate empty §3.6.1. Conditionally generate the full logic `ifndef SYNTHESIS initial $display("***INFO: %m: lifo2.v implementation=\"%0s\".",implementation); `endif generate if (implementation == "BRAM") begin : bram_implementation §4.6.1. BRAM implementation body end else if (implementation == "SRL") begin : srl_implementation §5.1. Shift register implementation end else begin §6.1. Undefined implementation end endgenerate endmodule |
A. Front matter
§1.1: §7.1 |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title : Dual LIFO stack // Project : Common //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File : lifo2.v //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Description : // // Two Synchronous LIFO stacks using a single BRAM. // // The stacks start at each end and grow to the middle. // |
§2.1: §7.1 |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2009 Beyond Circuits. All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE BEYOND CIRCUITS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT // SHALL BEYOND CIRCUITS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, // EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT // OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY // OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |