I do a lot of logic design for Xilinx FPGAs, and I really like the tools that they use. Ironically, I hate their GUIs, but since I always run their tools from the command line using GNU Make, that’s not a big drawback– except when it comes to their CoreGen tool. I really hate that tool. It;s virtually impossible to run it from a command line, because it reads all its input from an XML file. The only way to make the XML file is from their GUI. You can modify the XML and run the tool again, but it won’t document the XML format, and the format can change from release to release. Another problem with CoreGen is that the modules it generates are not parameterized. Say you make a FIFO which is 31 bits wide. If a parameter changes, you need to fire up a GUI and point your mouse and click to build another FIFO. I’m sorry, but this is just wrong.
Now I suppose this just can’t be helped in some cases (like an ethernet MAC), but for many of the modules that CoreGen builds, you’re better off writing the module from scratch. You get a clean and portable design, and you don’t need to mess around with a separate simulation model. In general, I avoid CoreGen like the plague.
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module sync_fifo
parameter depth = 32,
parameter width = 32,
parameter log2_depth = log2(depth),
parameter log2_depthp1 = log2(depth+1)
input clk,
input reset,
input wr_enable,
input rd_enable,
output reg empty,
output reg full,
output [width-1:0] rd_data,
input [width-1:0] wr_data,
output reg [log2_depthp1-1:0] count
The module essentially takes two parameters the depth and the width of the FIFO. The other two parameters are caused to two different Xilinx XST bugs. The first has to do with constant functions. XST doesn’t treat expressions involving parameters and constant functions as constant expressions unless the expression is in the right-hand side of a parameter declaration. The second bug is that XST does not support local parameters, so they can’t be declared with localparam. The ports contain all the usual suspects, and also include a count of the number of entries in the FIFO. Note that the width of the count may be larger than the width of the memory address. For example, in the default case of 32 bits, the memory address is 5 bits wide because it must span the range 0..31, but the count will be 6 bits wide because it needs to span the range 0..32 since there can be 32 entries in the FIFO.
Local functions
These two functions are used in the design, so I list them here. The first one returns the ceiling of the log base two of its input.
function integer log2;
input [31:0] value;
value = value-1;
for (log2=0; value>0; log2=log2+1)
value = value>>1;
This next one is used to increment the read and write pointers. Note that we can’t just rely on the pointer wrapping, because we don’t assume the FIFO is a power of two deep. If the FIFO is a power of two in depth, then the synthesis tool will optimize out the additional logic. Therefore, with this design you get the best of both worlds.
The read and write pointers
Next, we’ll update the read and write pointers. First I declare some signals which indicate whether the FIFO is reading or writing. It’s not just a matter of looking at the enable!
wire writing = wr_enable && (rd_enable || !full);
wire reading = rd_enable && !empty;
Here is the code for the read pointer. I don’t usually use a combinational next signal, but in this case, we’re going to need to, since then, we can have the synthesis tool infer a read-first style RAM. If you want to use a Xilinx block RAM, this is a necessity.
reg [log2_depth-1:0] next_rd_ptr;
always @(*)
if (reset)
next_rd_ptr = 0;
else if (reading)
next_rd_ptr = increment(rd_ptr);
next_rd_ptr = rd_ptr;
The write pointer doesn’t need the next variable, but I use the same style for symmetry.
reg [log2_depth-1:0] wr_ptr;
reg [log2_depth-1:0] next_wr_ptr;
always @(*)
if (reset)
next_wr_ptr = 0;
else if (writing)
next_wr_ptr = increment(wr_ptr);
next_wr_ptr = wr_ptr;
always @(posedge clk)
wr_ptr <= next_wr_ptr;
The status and count outputs
I just use a counter to keep track of the reads and writes.
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset)
count <= 0;
else if (writing && !reading)
count <= count+1;
else if (reading && !writing)
count <= count-1;
Empty and full are pretty simple. We need to know a couple things, though. First, they don’t depend on count. In many applications, you don’t need to know how many entries there are in the FIFO. In these cases, you simply leave the count output disconnected and the synthesis tool will remove the counter. If full or empty used the counter, then the logic cannot be removed. Also, I experimented with using unregistered values and the design was larger.
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset)
empty <= 1;
else if (reading && next_wr_ptr == next_rd_ptr && !full)
empty <= 1;
if (writing && !reading)
empty <= 0;
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset)
full <= 0;
else if (writing && next_wr_ptr == next_rd_ptr)
full <= 1;
else if (reading && !writing)
full <= 0;
The memory
Finally, let’s get to the memory. Again, if you use CoreGen for your memories, you would need to generate another module for this and instantiate it here. But why would you? It takes less code to write the memory than to instantiate what CoreGen would have produced. Note that we need to infer a read-first memory. This is where the next_rd_ptr signal is needed.
reg [width-1:0] mem [depth-1:0];
always @(posedge clk)
if (writing)
mem[wr_ptr] <= wr_data;
rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr;
assign rd_data = mem[rd_ptr];
So that’s about it. We now have simple RTL synchronous FIFO that synthesizes to a nice compact implementation, is portable across vendors, and simulates nicely. And best of all? No GUI!
I’ve attached the whole design here in case you want to use it. Just keep the copyright header intact, and of course, there is no warranty.